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   Arimaa Radio
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   Author  Topic: Arimaa Radio  (Read 4644 times)
Forum Guru

Arimaa player #247


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Posts: 1016
Arimaa Radio
« on: Nov 20th, 2014, 5:27am »
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In the past the Arimaa radio broadcast used Teamspeak relayed to Icecast, but the relay was rather tricky to setup and temperamental to keep running. For the coming championship season I've written dedicated program for the relay. Since Teamspeak uses a proprietary undocumented protocol, this does mean changing to Mumble for the announcers though.
Mumble is quite similar to Teamspeak but does handle some of the details differently. I'll try and give a walk through below on configuring it. First though here is a list of the relevant details for those that want to just go figure it out themselves. Smiley
Direct page to listen to the radio: http://radio.janzert.com The relay isn't currently connected to the Arimaa server radio widget.
Mumble server address: radio.janzert.com
Mumble server port (it's the default): 64738
Studio access token: ArimaaRockz
One difference from teamspeak is that there is no password to join the server, just to get into the studio channel where the relay is operating. Also the studio is linked to the root channel so anyone can listen to the broadcast in the root channel but the people in the Studio will not hear anything said there.
After installing Mumble it will walk you through the audio settings wizard. The only thing here that I would strongly recommend is setting up a "push to talk" button. This is the best way to make sure the things you want sent over Mumble are and the things you don't aren't. The rest can be adjust as needed for your system and setup. If you can using a set of headphones with attached microphone usually works best. But if that's not available don't be discouraged other setups can often be made to work just fine as well.
After Mumble starts it should bring up the "Mumble Server Connect" window (if not just open it from the menu Server -> Connect). Click on the "Add New..." button to bring up the "Add Server" Dialog. The "Label" can be filled in with whatever you would like to call this server, maybe Arimaa-radio. The "Address" is radio.janzert.com. The "Port" should be already filled in with 64738, if not enter that. "Username" can be whatever you would like, but using your Arimaa gameroom username is probably best. Once everything is filled in click "OK" and it will be added to your "Favorite" list in the "Mumble Server Connect" window.
Now to connect to the server just double click on the entry in the "Favorite" list (or select it and click the connect button). You will then be connected the server and placed in the Root channel. From here you can listen to the radio broadcast but anything you say will only be heard by others in the Root channel.
In order to join the Studio to add your voice to the radio broadcast you'll need to first set the access token. This is done from the Server -> Access Tokens menu, which opens the "Access Tokens" window. Click the "Add" Button, then type in "ArimaaRockz" and press <Enter> (if the entry gets deselected before you finish changing it just double click on it to start editing it again). Once the "ArimaaRockz" token is setup you can double click on the Studio channel in the main window to move yourself into it. Anything you say in this channel should then be heard over the radio widget, although there will usually be a 15-30 second delay.
I think that is everything needed to get setup and running as an announcer on the radio. If I forgot something or didn't make it clear feel free to ask and I'll try to clarify.
The relay software is still quite rudimentary but should be in a basic working state. Don't be surprised though if it randomly quits or stops working. I'll try and keep an eye on it and hopefully get any bugs worked out before the WC starts. I also plan to setup a web based control like last year to restart it if need be, but that's not quite there yet.
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Forum Guru

Arimaa player #247


Gender: male
Posts: 1016
Re: Arimaa Radio
« Reply #1 on: Dec 13th, 2014, 11:40am »
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I should probably have mentioned this earlier, Omar has pointed the gameroom radio at the above server so it can now be used to add commentary in any game.
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Forum Guru

Arimaa player #247


Gender: male
Posts: 1016
Re: Arimaa Radio
« Reply #2 on: Feb 14th, 2015, 5:38pm »
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For those that don't have a good microphone setup or other reason that connecting from their computer doesn't work well there are apps available for cell phones. For android phones Plumble, seems to work well in my short tests. For iphones Mumble, but I have no iphone to test it.
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Forum Guru

Arimaa player #6218


Gender: female
Posts: 364
Re: Arimaa Radio
« Reply #3 on: Mar 12th, 2015, 10:27pm »
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The relay died in the middle of the post-game interview following the Fritzlein-kzb52 game. Thought I should mention this.
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I administer the Endless Endgame Event (EEE). Players welcome!
Forum Guru

Arimaa player #247


Gender: male
Posts: 1016
Re: Arimaa Radio
« Reply #4 on: May 13th, 2015, 9:01am »
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Just a note that with the championship season finished I'll be shutting down this server sometime later this month.
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