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   Rush Island - A fast variant for the beach ;)
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   Author  Topic: Rush Island - A fast variant for the beach ;)  (Read 1760 times)
Forum Guru


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Posts: 278
Rush Island - A fast variant for the beach ;)
« on: May 30th, 2010, 2:25pm »
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I haven't tried it yet, but maybe someone already imagined and tried it.
Only difference in the rules is that instead of four traps in the middle, the whole space off-board is the ocean. When a piece falls into the water, it watches the rest of the game on its rubber ring.
I imagine such games would lead to a strategy opposite to what we usually have. Stronger pieces would be more useful along the edges while rabbits rush to the middle. There would be fast captures and the games would be short.
I'll try it in the days to come.
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Forum Guru



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Re: Rush Island - A fast variant for the beach ;)
« Reply #1 on: May 30th, 2010, 3:35pm »
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I already had thoughts about this too, but never tried it, but I also though that all the border would be way to much space for "captures" so I thought that maybe we should use only the border of a4 and a5 and h4 and h5 and maybe the borders of d1 and d8 and e1 and e8. Also, maybe the borders of the corners are an interesting place too.
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Arimaa player #3996


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Re: Rush Island - A fast variant for the beach ;)
« Reply #2 on: May 30th, 2010, 9:57pm »
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I picked up "Popular Chess Variants" the other day to get other ideas about variants that could be applied to Arimaa.  The variant mentioned by leo, above, has something in common with dynamo chess - in which pieces are pushed or pulled off the board.  I suppose for Arimaa, it would only be possible to push.  
Here are a few other variants that might work with Arimaa too:
Avalanche: At the end of a turn, each player gets one extra move - moving one of the opponent's rabbits straight ahead.  If none of the opponent's rabbits can be moved straight ahead, then play passes to the other player.  
Progressive:  Instead of 4 moves per turn, gold starts with 1 move, then silver makes 2 moves, then gold makes 3, etc.  I would guess that this would give an advantage to the player getting the even number of moves?
Triplets:  Each turn the player has to move the elephant, a piece other than the elephant or rabbit, and a rabbit.  If the player can't move one of these three classes of pieces in a turn, then the player loses.  
Anyway... lots of good ideas in there.  Alice chess looked like fun.  And how about Kriegspiel? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kriegspiel_(chess) 
« Last Edit: May 30th, 2010, 10:20pm by ocmiente » IP Logged



Re: Rush Island - A fast variant for the beach ;)
« Reply #3 on: May 31st, 2010, 4:01am »
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I'm sure Omar and many others already know about it, but Bram Cohen, the creator of BitTorrent, came up with an interesting game inspired by Arimaa some years ago. It's called Pushee, and it is a naturally finite game: http://bramcohen.livejournal.com/2005/04/16/
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Forum Guru


Gender: male
Posts: 278
Re: Rush Island - A fast variant for the beach ;)
« Reply #4 on: Jun 1st, 2010, 2:36pm »
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@Eltripas: The edges are much space indeed, but that's on purpose: It's for the games to be played in 5-10 minutes.
Restricting the trap length as you suggest is probably good for longer games.
@ocmiente: I didn't know dynamo chess, it's funny. The other variants you mention look too complicated for me though Wink
@gatsby: Pushee might make another short game for the beach or the bus due to the reduced board size.
Actually I'm not to the point that I may feel the need for variants to Arimaa, I'm still struggling to master it Smiley
But miniature versions can be interesting for bot development, such as 9x9 go.
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