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Arimaa >> Bot Development >> tell me how to make bots work!!
(Message started by: hanzack on Dec 2nd, 2010, 9:12am)

Title: tell me how to make bots work!!
Post by hanzack on Dec 2nd, 2010, 9:12am
I was able to connect my bot" uhyouhyo" to the

gameroom, but it does ilegal move!

perl said "  ' , '  is not unrecognizable " or something ! >:(

what should i do!!! ahhhh!

** Link remove by Admin **

Title: Re: tell me how to make bots work!!
Post by Janzert on Dec 2nd, 2010, 2:32pm
Warning! The link above appears to be to a japanese porn site with many NSFW images immediately displayed.

I was expecting a screenshot of the error or some such.


Title: Re: tell me how to make bots work!!
Post by Forum Admin on Dec 2nd, 2010, 9:25pm
Hanzack, please don't post links that. It violates the posting guidelines. Thanks.

Title: Re: tell me how to make bots work!!
Post by hanzack on Dec 3rd, 2010, 3:14am
I just gave you it as thanks in advance.

so why can't my bot submit setting position? :-*

Title: Re: tell me how to make bots work!!
Post by hanzack on Dec 3rd, 2010, 4:04am

# This is just a modified version of the move count program.
#   This returns a leagle move for the given input position.

# This program does not even look at the move list file,
#   but it is provided as the second argument

$fn = $ARGV[0];

if (! $fn){
 print "enter input position file name: ";
 $fn = <STDIN>;
 chomp $fn;
 $interactive = 1;

if (! -e $fn){
 die "file $fn not found\n";

($c,$t,$s,@p) = readBoard($fn);

what's the position file name!?!?!?!

tell meeee!! :'(

Title: Re: tell me how to make bots work!!
Post by Tuks on Dec 3rd, 2010, 2:23pm
wow, im speechless

Title: Re: tell me how to make bots work!!
Post by hanzack on Dec 3rd, 2010, 10:15pm
I edited the bot cfg file but my bot keeps submitting an ilegal move... :-/ why???

and what do you mean by "This is just a modified version of the move count program.
#   This returns a leagle move for the given input position."

what's "leagle"?

Title: Re: tell me how to make bots work!!
Post by Fritzlein on Dec 3rd, 2010, 10:28pm

on 12/03/10 at 22:15:28, hanzack wrote:
what's "leagle"?


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