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Arimaa / General Discussion / Question about Arimaa patent |
Feb 1st, 2025, 3:38pm |
Started by keskyo | Last post by keskyo |
Hello everyone! I am a developer and recently I was developing an Arimaa game engine as a hobby project. I plan to add a little server program to allow playing online. I searched and aparently the patent expired in 2023, but this site says I need an authorization to make public my project. Was the actual state of the patent? Can I open-source (publish the source code) when it's finished without any authorization? Thank you for any guidance in advance. PD: I'm not trying to compete with this site. My project is just for learning and researching propouses. |
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Arimaa / Site Discussion / Thoughts on posting about Arimaa on Reddit |
Jan 30th, 2025, 4:22pm |
Started by rabbits | Last post by rabbits |
Similar to how we've been using Discord in addition to this website's chatroom, we could use Reddit in addition to this forum. Using popular third party platforms has advantages. Discord and Reddit are polished and featureful. Reddit posts may be indexed more favorably by search engines and doesn't require maintenance effort[1]. However, using such third party platforms does have the downside of pulling usage away from the local chatroom and forum. Here's a new Arimaa subreddit: https://reddit.com/r/arimaa What are your thoughts? [1]: Note that this forum seems to be running on a software release from 2003, and YaBB forums doesn't seem to exist anymore.. |
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Arimaa / Say Hello / Re: Late Introduction |
Dec 20th, 2024, 7:32pm |
Started by Animiral | Last post by clyring |
Although it had been several years, I did think to myself "Is this the same Animiral as the Arimaa player?" the first time I saw one of your posts on the OGS forums. Welcome back to Arimaa. Have you found the Discord server? As you have probably noticed, this forum is usually not very active, so posts here might not get seen very quickly. If you ever want a game, feel free to ping me in the Arimaa gameroom chat or on OGS. |
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Arimaa / Events / 2024 WC Rules, Format, and Schedule |
May 18th, 2024, 9:15am |
Started by SilverMitt | Last post by SilverMitt |
Hi. The WC event may perhaps be created soon. Omar seems to be happy to go with something a lot like last year, which was triple elimination, although it might be good to discuss the time control, where the 6-minute maximum move time was turned on, but still with the high reserve to start. Also it might be good to figure out exactly which pairing algorithm to use, as I believe I was not aware of subtle differences last year for the triple elims. |
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