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 1   Arimaa / Events / Re: Endless Endgame Event?  Sep 19th, 2024, 8:04pm 
Started by clyring | Last post by clyring
2024 round 3 (66) setup and pairings:


clyring (1830) vs browni3141 (2304)
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 2   Arimaa / General Discussion / Arimaa is PSPACE-Hard  Aug 18th, 2024, 2:11pm 
Started by AstroBullivant | Last post by AstroBullivant
Here's an interesting paper: Benjamin G. Rin and Atze Schipper out of the University of Utrecht have proven that Arimaa is PSPACE-Hard:  
https://drops.dagstuhl.de/storage/00lipics/lipics-vol291-fun2024/LIPIcs. FUN.2024.27/LIPIcs.FUN.2024.27.pdf
At the end of the paper, the authors say that they expect someone eventually to show that arimaa is EXPTIME-Hard.
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 3   Arimaa / Events / Re: 2024 WC Rescheduling and Appeal Thread  Aug 2nd, 2024, 3:17pm 
Started by SilverMitt | Last post by SilverMitt
rabbits-CraggyCornmeal rescheduled to 9 PM ET on Tuesday (virtual slot 146).
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 4   Arimaa / Off Topic Discussion / Re: Sentient AI  Jul 15th, 2024, 1:09am 
Started by omar | Last post by dianapps
Another day of saying why AI is becoming dangerous!
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 5   Arimaa / Events / 2024 WC Rules, Format, and Schedule  May 18th, 2024, 9:15am 
Started by SilverMitt | Last post by SilverMitt
Hi.  The WC event may perhaps be created soon.  Omar seems to be happy to go with something a lot like last year, which was triple elimination, although it might be good to discuss the time control, where the 6-minute maximum move time was turned on, but still with the high reserve to start.
Also it might be good to figure out exactly which pairing algorithm to use, as I believe I was not aware of subtle differences last year for the triple elims.
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 6   Arimaa / Bot Development / Re: (no) absolute score values for pieces?  Nov 18th, 2023, 9:13am 
Started by clauchau | Last post by aaaa
As a very belated historical note, the chosen values for the constants of HarLog, Q and G, are effectively fully determined by:
  • (as mentioned) being indifferent to an initial trade of a dog for 2 rabbits and
  • having the advantage of an initial trade of a horse and cat for a camel be exactly flipped after all the dogs come off the board.
This works out to finding the positive value Q that satisfies:
G = (Q^2 + 13*Q + 38)/((Q^3 + 15*Q^2 + 74*Q + 120)*ln(10/7)) = -2*(Q^3 + 5*Q^2 - 2*Q - 22)/((Q^4 + 11*Q^3 + 41*Q^2 + 61*Q + 30)*ln(65/56))
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 7   Arimaa / General Discussion / Arimaa patent expires  Nov 10th, 2023, 8:35am 
Started by aaaa | Last post by aaaa
According to https://patents.google.com/patent/US6981700B2, the patent granted for Arimaa expires today.
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 8   Arimaa / Site Discussion / Re: gameclient does not receive move of opponent  Aug 21st, 2023, 10:37am 
Started by Manuel | Last post by Manuel
It had to do with a network setting, indeed. Thanks for the hint; I can play again!
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 9   Arimaa / General Discussion / Re: Jean's book has been released !!!  Aug 12th, 2023, 11:18pm 
Started by omar | Last post by davebliz
Are the PDFs still available?  I've already ordered the paperback but would also like to have digital copies.  Thanks.
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 10   Arimaa / General Discussion / Re: Game History?  Aug 7th, 2023, 12:27pm 
Started by rbh | Last post by supersamu
You can go to the "Navigation" Bar on the left of the gameroom, then select Games -> My Recent Games. On there, just click on the gameboard icon for the game you want to look at.
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