Title: 2015 Move 10g Post by deep_blue on Nov 23rd, 2015, 1:57am Sharp has moved! Getting some sort of tree would be great so please try to create one. You can just copy the old tree and add your moves and possible evaluations (like = , += , +/- or +-). |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by Hufflepup on Nov 23rd, 2015, 6:25am My first thought is 10g: Eg5w Ef5s mf4e Dd2n Moving the elephant to f4 looks mandatory. Pushing the camel east makes it more difficult for it to switch wings. The Dd2n step stops the silver elephant from flipping the horse to d3, so it will remain in play around the f3 trap. |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by Algorias on Nov 23rd, 2015, 8:16am Hufflepup, what do we do if silver responds by spending 4 moves to switch wings with the camel? Our elephant is stuck defending f3 while silver threatens our d3 dog. To keep our Elephant free, we'd have to put the horse on f4, which I'm not sure works out. 10g: Eg5w Ef5s mf4e Dd2n 10s: mg4n mg5w rg6s mf5w 11g: Ef4w Hf3n x x deep_blue, I like the idea of building a tree, but could you explain how the evaluations are to be interpreted? does "+" mean "good for us" or "good for the player who just made the move"? How do I interpret "+-"? We should have a clearly defined system in place to make communication more effective. |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by SilverMitt on Nov 23rd, 2015, 12:41pm I am very much against putting the elephant on f4. It looks like we have to allow the silver camel to go free, though. Right now the following 2 moves seem interesting to me: 10g Eg4 Mb5 ce1 -- We could protect the horse in 2 steps with the fe1 step instead, as well. I think silver's most obvious reply is to flip out the horse, perhaps to e4 to try to threaten it in the future. Then, we could take 2 steps to defend f3 and 2 more to pull the b6 horse. 10g :Hg4 Hg3 -- We win the repetition fight, and it doesn't seem like silver can make good progress around f3 without using the camel. The tactics following 10s M:Hh3 x are unclear to me (can we give up a cat for a camel hostage here?), and perhaps the silver camel will come west. |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by Hufflepup on Nov 23rd, 2015, 2:37pm Quote:
We could play 11g: Ef4e Eg4w hg4n Hf3e unless the camel headed back east on 11s our elephant is now free to leave this trap on 12g. Quote:
What is the problem with having it on f4? It looks like a good position to me. Quote:
I think this dangrously decentralises the elephant. With something like 10s cf7s cf6s de6s de5s or 10s: rg6s cf7e cg7s rf8s would seriously reduce our elephants mobility. Quote:
Again our elephants mobility would be seriously reduced with cf7s cf6s rf8s de6s |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by SilverMitt on Nov 23rd, 2015, 3:56pm Elephant mobility is not the primary concern here, in my opinion, and the elephant plays a significant role on g4 or g5 as long as the silver camel is around f3. The proposed move ending with the elephant on f4 (E:Mg4 Dd3 in my notation) does seem strategically reasonable. |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by deep_blue on Nov 23rd, 2015, 3:59pm Sorry, I thought evaluation was unique from the chess one: = means equal, += bit better for gold +/- better for gold +- much better for gold =+ bit better for silver etc. |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by half_integer on Nov 23rd, 2015, 4:57pm on 11/23/15 at 15:59:18, deep_blue wrote:
I'm glad you posted this. I never would have guessed this from the notation. :) I guess I could research how these meanings came about. |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by Algorias on Nov 24th, 2015, 5:59am I've aggregated proposals so far into a tree. Using dots to indent, as it won't indent properly using only whitespace. I've added comments where relevant. Will replace comments with evaluations once the discussion settles I guess. Hufflepup: I added an 11s Dd3n ee3w hg4e x as a possible response to your proposed 11g, I think in this case we have a dog in danger and a suddenly unstable c3 trap. Not being able to make an immediate capture in f3 really hurts our position. 10g Eg4 Mb5 ce1 -- ..10s ee3w Hf3w He3n ed3e (claimed unproblematic by silvermitt, I agree) ....11g mb5s hg6s mf4n Eg4w ....11g mb5s hg6s hg3e Eg4s ..10s cf7s cf6s de6s de5s (reduced E mobility?) ..10s rg6s cf7e cg7s rf8s (reduced E mobility?) 10g :hg4 Hg3 -- ..10s M:Hh3 ..10s cf7s cf6s rf8s de6s (reduced E mobility?) 10g Eg5w Ef5s mf4e Dd2n ..10s mg4n mg5w rg6s mf5w ....11g Ef4w Hf3n x x ....11g Ef4e Eg4w hg4n Hf3e ......11s Dd3n ee3w hg4e x (dog and c3 in danger?) |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by Algorias on Nov 24th, 2015, 7:18am To add a bit to Hufflepup's objection regarding Elephant mobility, I agree that his 10s in the 2nd branch is problematic, since this threatens to free the silver elephant by replacing it with the e5 dog on e3, so we would need to respond with something like 10g :hg4 Hg3 -- ..10s M:Hh3 ..10s cf7s cf6s rf8s de6s (reduced E mobility?) ....11g hg4e Eg5s mf4s Eg4w ......11s Hg3e mf3e hh4w Rh5s which I find hard to evaluate. I like the move 10g Eg4 Mb5 ce1 -- considerably less, since its so passive, allowing the elephant to threaten the west: 10g Eg4 Mb5 ce1 -- ..10s cf7s cf6s de6s de5s (reduced E mobility?) ....11g hg3e Eg4s Eg3n Hf3e ......11s ee3w de4s x x Sooner or later we will have do a pull and replace to free our horse from the frame on f3, and I'd rather do it sooner than later. Regarding hufflepup's first suggestion, as shown in my previous post, my problem with it is the dd2n step. Is it really that bad if our horse gets flipped to d3? We could establish a very unstable double hostage (not sure how to call this configuration otherwise), and I have no idea how silver would react in that situation, but on a hunch it seems favorable. 10g Eg5w Ef5s mf4e Mb4n ..10s ee3n Hf3w He3w ee4s (horse flip) ....11g Ef4s hg3e Ef3e Rh5w ......11s ??? |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by deep_blue on Nov 24th, 2015, 10:16am Thanks Algorias. I think this format looks nicer though: on 11/24/15 at 07:18:54, Algorias wrote:
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by aaaa on Nov 24th, 2015, 1:03pm on 11/24/15 at 07:18:54, Algorias wrote:
That should be 10g Eg5w mf4e Ef5s Mb4n and as a possible refutation of the subsequent horse flip, consider the simpler 11g Mb5s hb6s Mb4s hb5s. |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by Hufflepup on Nov 24th, 2015, 2:23pm Quote:
The problem with the horse flip is that unless we can generate a stronge enough threat to force silvers elephant away wemay end up fighting an EMH attack with only one heavy piece. I'm not convinced the threat to the horse is a stong enough counter. e.g for the above line: 11s: mg4n mg5s Rh5w rh6s threatening goal in 1 12g: Rg2e Rh2n Rg1n Ha6e 12s: rh5s rg6e cf7e cg7s 13g: Mb3e hb4s hb3e Mc3n We capture a horse 13s: hg3w Rh3w rh4s rh3s again threatening goal in 1 There are plenty of other possibilities of course, but this sort of position doesn't look very good for us. |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by Hufflepup on Nov 24th, 2015, 2:46pm Quote:
How about 12g: Ef4w Dd4w Dc4s Dc3w looks OK as a defence? |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by SilverMitt on Nov 24th, 2015, 4:33pm Let me add that 10g Eg4 Mb5 ce1 10s De4 Cf5 allows 11g E::Mh4. To limit the elephant mobility, I'd expect 10s to include a g5 step in that line. And, of course, the elephant on g4 is rather awkwardly placed, but it's also freezing 2 "heavy" pieces for the moment, while we're trying to start a counterattack around c6. On the other hand, it should also be in sharp's tactical "wheelhouse", so perhaps such a move is ill-advised practically. It's irritating that we have to spend at least one step to blockade e2 (I'd have loved to be able to play 10g Eg4 Mc5:H) and perhaps that's enough to nix any move including Eg4. My main concern with putting the elephant on f4 really is that silver will be able to get a strong rabbit to h3 or h2 and rotate the camel west. Pushing the camel to g4 does slow this for a turn, and I would expect silver to play a move like 10s Me5 g5 or 10s Mf5 g4 in response. I also do like Mb5 as the 4th step much more than Dd3 now, as flipping the horse out is not that useful for silver if the elephant has to subsequently come back to defend c6. I think I quite dislike 10g :Hg4 Hg3 now, as it gets our horse sidelined and makes no progress in the west. After 10s M:Hh3 De5, I think the silver attack is faster and stronger than what we can do in the west, nor can we take a good camel hostage. |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by Hufflepup on Nov 26th, 2015, 2:28am Quote:
I see what you mean. 10g: Eg5w Ef5s mf4e Dd2n 10s: mg4n mg5s Rh5w rh6s Also means silver would be able to lauch a strong attack. We may be able to stabilise the situation. especially if we can keep our horse in the east, but the g5 rabbit would probably be lost without compensation. Maybe we need to push the silver cameal west instead of east? 10g: Eg5w mf4w Ef5s Mb4n also prevents the horse flip whilst slowing down any attack in the east. |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by browni3141 on Nov 28th, 2015, 4:01am on 11/26/15 at 02:28:40, Hufflepup wrote:
I don't think that's a concern. We have to like our position after this? 10g Eg5w mf4e Ef5s Dd2n 10s mg4n mg5s Rh5w rh6s 11g mg4e Ef4e Hf3n Mb4n I'm not totally against the other 10g suggestion either. 10g Eg5s Eg4n hg3n Hf3e 10s mf4s Hg3e mf3e de6s 11g Eg5w Ef5s Mb4n Dd2n We'd need to evaluate how the race works out. Also, after 10g Eg5w mf4e Ef5s Mb4n 10s ee3n Hf3w He3w ee4s 11g Mb5e hb6s hb5s Mc5w I also really like our position. This 10s can not be played. 11s mg4n mg5s Rh5w rh6s 12g hb4s Mb5s mg4e Ef4e for example. |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by deep_blue on Nov 28th, 2015, 2:57pm IMPORTANT: Tomorrow morning (in 12h) the poll will start. If you want to add any move, be quick. Moves: 10g Eg5w mf4e Ef5s Dd2n 10g Eg4 Mb5 ce1 (probably meaning Eg5s Mb4n Rc1e Rd1e) 10g E:Hg4 Hg3 (Eg5s Eg4n hg3n Hf3e) 10g Eg5w mf4w Ef5s Mb4n 10g Eg5w mf4e Ef5s Mb4n |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by half_integer on Nov 28th, 2015, 7:43pm I don't see any that I'm thinking of missing from the move list, deep. I'm leaning towards the Ef4 mg4 Mb5 move; I hope we can handle any complications that follow. I'm not afraid of a horse flip and it seems like a waste of time for silver. I'm also not afraid of the camel crossing to the west, but I think if it is going to, we should make it take the longer set of steps to do so, i.e. push it east. I also think we can handle the h6 rabbit advance possibility by taking a move to shift pieces east, i.e. g2->h2, C->g2, H->f2; we still have plenty of congestion there. Pushing the camel east if it remains on g4 is also a possibility. However, I also see 10s Mf5:r h5 as a possible response to account for. What does worry me is the possibility of an elephant blockade - which means the elephant cannot remain on the g file this turn. We don't want to be forced to move the elephant to a square where it can't attack or defend next move just to avoid a full blockade the move after that. |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by Lion on Nov 30th, 2015, 1:43am on 11/28/15 at 04:01:28, browni3141 wrote:
What happens after the following? 11s. rg6s mg3w hg4s rg5s |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by deep_blue on Nov 30th, 2015, 5:54pm Sorry, to the whole Mob, I messed up SMs notation of top two moves. In future I will only use standard notation. I hope I just didn't brake the poll. |
Title: Re: 2015 Move 10g Post by browni3141 on Dec 1st, 2015, 6:43pm on 11/30/15 at 01:43:36, Lion wrote:
10g Eg5s Eg4n hg3n Hf3e 10s mf4s Hg3e mf3e de6s 11g Eg5w Ef5s Mb4n Dd2n 11s rg6s mg3w hg4s rg5s I would probably flip the horse. Silver can try to rotate the elephant out but our h6 horse is a strong asset. It's not an easy position. |
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