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Topic: AWL: Suggestions for 2012 (Read 2260 times) |
Forum Moderator Forum Guru

Istanbul, Turkey

Posts: 710
AWL: Suggestions for 2012
« on: Dec 27th, 2011, 10:17am » |
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Thanks everybody who took part, commentated, spectated, and made helpful suggestions to make Season 2 of 2011 the best season we've had yet. I'm opening this thread now so if you have any suggestions for next season (still several months away) you can write them down now before you forget them. Throughout the year, if anything comes to mind, just leave us a note here. Thanks again.
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Forum Guru
 Arimaa player #706

Posts: 5928
Re: AWL: Suggestions for 2012
« Reply #1 on: Dec 27th, 2011, 10:57am » |
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I suggest that we clone megajester so that we can have twice as many awesome events! Seriously, thanks for all your efforts, Joel. would be a less interesting and less enjoyable place without you.
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Forum Guru
 Arimaa player #4509

Posts: 292
Re: AWL: Suggestions for 2012
« Reply #2 on: Dec 27th, 2011, 1:33pm » |
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I have far fewer thoughts off the top of my head as compared to last year. Either I wasn't paying as much attention (?) or the rules/mechanisms didn't intrude as much - meaning the refinements were successful. I did like the playoff round instead of points as a tie breaker. Any rules that take decisions out of the hands of the player (how long to wait for a substitute, how long until a forfeit is claimed, etc) I would be in favor of. As the mechanics, I think it would be very helpful to actually reschedule the event game in case the players agree to a new time ahead of time. a. The advertisement in the gameroom would be correct for those that don't read the forum. b. WHRE scores would be correct. c. The 'Event Games' page would be correct. If this is too much admin for one person to handle, ask for a 'secretary' to help with these updates. Thank you Joel, the League captains, and the and legislatures for taking the time to provide the AWL framework for some fun games!
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Forum Guru
 Arimaa player #751
Posts: 119
Re: AWL: Suggestions for 2012
« Reply #3 on: Jan 2nd, 2012, 10:21am » |
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I agree with Nombril, the refinements are working well. Thank you for all your work to make it a success. A few clarifications would be good: Possible substitutes have the same 15 minute grace period from the scheduled game time to be present. Perhaps a 5 minute interval can be added for discussion on who will be the substitute (in the event of multiple volunteers), but a forfeit should be automatic after 20 minutes from game time. It would be good to state in the rules that a game discarded due to server issues must be restarted from the beginning. It is currently implied, but not explicitly stated.
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Forum Guru
 Arimaa player #706

Posts: 5928
Re: AWL: Suggestions for 2012
« Reply #4 on: Jan 4th, 2012, 10:54am » |
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The budget worked pretty well. Might as well keep it the same until it stops working.
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Forum Guru

Arimaa player #6845

Posts: 86
Re: AWL: Suggestions for 2012
« Reply #5 on: Jan 4th, 2012, 1:29pm » |
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One thing I'm not clear on is if my opponent forfeits and doesn't show, how I accept the forfeit. In my game against Eggman, I think he was about half an hour late (though we did reschedule), so beyond the time when a forfeit should've happened if we hadn't rescheduled. I kept the game open because I didn't want to have that scheduled game in the records, it feels clunky to me, but I was also curious about how I would've accepted the forfeit had we not rescheduled and I didn't have an opponent.
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Forum Guru

Arimaa player #6845

Posts: 86
Re: AWL: Suggestions for 2012
« Reply #6 on: Jan 4th, 2012, 1:34pm » |
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on Jan 4th, 2012, 10:54am, Fritzlein wrote:The budget worked pretty well. Might as well keep it the same until it stops working. |
| I felt that the budget worked in favor of playing slightly higher rated players when I was early in the seasons, but now it looks mostly like preventing the few players who are rated ~2600 from always playing, and it's low enough to accomodate the number of lower rated players who express interest in playing. Most players it seems are around the 1800-2000 range, so I agree that the budget worked pretty well. As for playoffs for tiebreaker instead of points, I agree. I like playoffs better, but next time we should allocate a week at the end of the season for playoffs should they be needed. What would we do if we had a 3-way tie? Is it possible?
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Forum Guru
 Arimaa player #1889
Posts: 1244
Re: AWL: Suggestions for 2012
« Reply #7 on: Jan 4th, 2012, 3:13pm » |
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on Dec 27th, 2011, 10:57am, Fritzlein wrote:I suggest that we clone megajester so that we can have twice as many awesome events! Seriously, thanks for all your efforts, Joel. would be a less interesting and less enjoyable place without you. |
| I concur wholeheartedly!
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Forum Guru
 Arimaa player #751
Posts: 119
Re: AWL: Suggestions for 2012
« Reply #8 on: Jan 4th, 2012, 4:36pm » |
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on Jan 4th, 2012, 1:29pm, Dolus wrote:... I was also curious about how I would've accepted the forfeit had we not rescheduled and I didn't have an opponent. |
| To accept a forfeit, you have to enter the game on time. Once the 15 minute grace period has expired, close the game and the forfeit registers automatically. Note that if you enter the game after the 15 minute grace period or leave before the grace period has passed, then the forfeit will not register.
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Forum Guru

Arimaa player #6845

Posts: 86
Re: AWL: Suggestions for 2012
« Reply #9 on: Jan 5th, 2012, 8:53am » |
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on Jan 4th, 2012, 4:36pm, novacat wrote: To accept a forfeit, you have to enter the game on time. Once the 15 minute grace period has expired, close the game and the forfeit registers automatically. Note that if you enter the game after the 15 minute grace period or leave before the grace period has passed, then the forfeit will not register. |
| Okay, so if I was accepting a forfeit, I did everything right except for closing the game. I don't think I've ever read that anywhere, so for people who don't know, this might be good to add to the rules or a FAQ or something.
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Forum Guru
 Arimaa player #958
Posts: 768
Re: AWL: Suggestions for 2012
« Reply #10 on: Jan 5th, 2012, 3:07pm » |
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I'm having misgivings now about the tiebreaker metric for the playoff games. I felt embarrassed having to prolong an utterly lost game for more than 30 moves just for the very remote possibility of it being beneficial to my team. I say completely drop any stigma attached to resigning and use one or more other tiebreakers, like most rounds won by team, lowest budget expense, least number of forfeits, or any other measure affected by neither game length nor over-the-board victory condition. Also, the awards are obviously dropped due to lack of community enthusiasm.
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Forum Guru

Arimaa player #3996
Posts: 194
Re: AWL: Suggestions for 2012
« Reply #11 on: Jan 6th, 2012, 11:10am » |
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on Jan 5th, 2012, 3:07pm, aaaa wrote:...completely drop any stigma attached to resigning... |
| Yes, please.
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