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Arimaa >> Game Analysis >> Smochi vs. Bot_Bomb2005Blitz
(Message started by: Smochi on May 5th, 2012, 11:49pm)

Title: Smochi vs. Bot_Bomb2005Blitz
Post by Smochi on May 5th, 2012, 11:49pm
Hey guys. I'm new to the forums, so I hope I am doing this right. I have been playing Arimaa for a few months now. I am one bot away from the top of the ladder, but this last bot is pretty tenacious. This is my twelfth loss, but I feel like it's getting better.

Like in most of my past games with this bot, I've managed to win a rabbit on the west pretty easily, though he keeps giving me trouble with my camel. I've started keeping it on the trap so my horse could keep it safe while my elephant is away, but I never have enouch steps to do what I want, so I advanced my rabbit. I was optimistic when I trapped some dogs despite the camel hostage, and despite the mistake I felt I was doing well, but at the end I panicked and ran out of time.

I would appreciate any comments.


Title: Re: Smochi vs. Bot_Bomb2005Blitz
Post by arimaa_master on May 7th, 2012, 8:56am

on 05/05/12 at 23:49:56, Smochi wrote:
Hey guys. I'm new to the forums, so I hope I am doing this right. I have been playing Arimaa for a few months now. I am one bot away from the top of the ladder, but this last bot is pretty tenacious. This is my twelfth loss, but I feel like it's getting better.

Like in most of my past games with this bot, I've managed to win a rabbit on the west pretty easily, though he keeps giving me trouble with my camel. I've started keeping it on the trap so my horse could keep it safe while my elephant is away, but I never have enouch steps to do what I want, so I advanced my rabbit. I was optimistic when I trapped some dogs despite the camel hostage, and despite the mistake I felt I was doing well, but at the end I panicked and ran out of time.

I would appreciate any comments.


Hi Smochi,
bot_bomb is known to over valuate camels. So while your active camel play would be very good against other bots against bot_bomb is better to hide your camel to f2 and then do E+H attack (bot_bomb is also known to take Horse hostages) with occasional harassing of his camel.

Howewer you did pretty well till the move 45s - I mean pulling the dog is not optimal because with the silver camel nearby you only helping your opponent (move 46g was weak).

Anyway after 52s you are completely winning.
General plan should be all pieces forward :) Starting with E+H attack to c6 following with rabbits - then overloading E there with small pieces - freeing your E to another E+H at f6 - and scoring crushing victory :)

at 62g - taking horse hostage has no sense - since you donīt have strongest free piece or at least stronger piece at west.

at the final move - you were still winning - 90g ra2n Cb2w Ed5n Re5e would the the trick I guess.

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