The purpose of the Arimaa Public License is to make
Arimaa freely available for educational, research and personal use
while still protecting its intellectual property rights.
Any commercial activity based on Arimaa requires obtaining a commercial license.
The process for obtaining a commercial license is very simple. Just follow
the instructions in section 2 of the license.
Commercial licenses have been granted for the following:
- Family Arimaa game sets - Z-Man Games
- Tournament size Arimaa game sets - Thomas Foy
- Wooded Arimaa game sets - New Forest Earth
- 'Beginning Arimaa' book - Karl Juhnke
- 'Arimaa Tactics and Strategy' book - Jean Daligault
- Arimaa iPhone App - Martti Joutasniemi
- Arimaa game on web site -
- Arimaa PC game - Smart Games Inc.
- Arimaa game on web site -
We are seeking to grant additional commercial licenses for more products and services.
Project which are non-commercial require obtaining an authorization.
Just follow the instructions in section 3 of the license.
Authorizations have been granted for the following:
- Arimaa Engine Interface - Brian Haskin
- OpFor Arimaa game engine - Brian Haskin
- Chimaera Arimaa playing program - Scott Hensel
- Rabbits' Arimaa Client - Greg Clark
- Arimaa Game Viewer - Henrik Huttunen
- Arimaa Game Tutorial - Henrik Huttunen
- Arimaa game on web site -
For personal, educational and research use there is no need to obtain a license
or authorization.