Karl Juhnke of USA is the Arimaa World Champion
Jean Daligault of France placed second
Greg Magne of Canada placed third
View Final Games
View Open Classic Games
Tournament Rules
Registered PlayersEvent: The 2008 Arimaa World Championship tournament will be held to determine the best human Arimaa player. A contest will also be held for spectators to pick the winning player in each game and try to win prizes.
Prizes: The winning player will be declared the 2008 Arimaa World Champion and receive a prize of $200 USD. Participants will also win a cash prize (of $2 or $10 USD) for each game they win. See tournament rules for details. Spectators will also receive prizes for picking the right player. See contest rules for details.
Format: A Swiss preliminary (Open Classic) to select the top 8 players followed by a Floating Double Elimination final.
When: The tournament will begin on Tuesday January 8th, 2008 and run for 10 to 12 weeks. The participants will play one game per week.
Where: The games will be played over the Internet in the Arimaa gameroom.
Registration: Interested players should register before the deadline of 6PM EST Friday January 4th, 2008. The registration fee is $20 USD of which $10 USD is returned if you do not forfit or resign any of your games. The rest is used for the prize fund. Commemorative World Championship T-shirts listing the names of all participants and match-ups will be available after the event for $20 USD.
Tournament Coordinator: Omar Syed
Tournament Director: Ned Bent
Event Reporter: Karl Juhnke and Greg Magne
Arimaa is part of the 2008 IAGO World Tour
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