2011 Arimaa World Championship

Welcome to the 2011 Arimaa World Championship tournament.

The games will be starting soon. This message is to 
confirm that you are registered to play and to give 
you an introduction on how the tournament will proceed.

Please use this form to enter and save your preferred
game times.

Each week the players will play one game. Thus, there is one
round per week. On Monday nights around 8pm EST the players
are paired and the game times are scheduled based on the 
preferred times entered by the players. The players are 
then notified by email of their game time.

This scheduled time is final unless you and your 
opponent mutually agree on a new time. The scheduler 
will be run a second time solely to permit mutual 
agreements between the players to be implemented. 
You may not change your preferences except to 
implement a new time that you and your opponent 
have both agreed to. If you do not contact your 
opponent then they should be able to assume that 
this scheduled time is OK with you and will be the 
final time.

On Tuesday night at around 8pm EST the scheduler is run
again to finalize the game times. The players are then 
notified by email of their final game time.

Any time after Tuesday night at 11pm EST you can start
updating your preferred times for the next round.

After all the games are played the results are updated and
the next round will be paired and scheduled on Monday night.

Please be sure that you have reviewed and are familiar with
the tournament rules posted on the tournament web page. Save
this email for future reference.

Best of luck and enjoy the games.
