Sound Money Without Commodities

We propose a rule based monetary system that is self stabilizing and resistant to inflation and deflation. The system does not require any privileged individuals to issue or regulate the supply of money. The system was derived by recognizing the good properties of commodity based money when money first began. We also propose a possible implementation which restores these properties in a monetary system based on electronic money.

Here is the original version from May 2011 which mentions Bitcoin or rather an "alternative Bitcoin system" for the implementation. The final version did not mention this since it became obvious that the blockchain technology used in Bitcoin would not scale to handle millions of transactions per second if a currency was used by everyone on a daily basis.


This paper extends the ideas presented in Sound Money Without Commodities to also incorporate a temporary soft peg for regression and nominated community funds that also receive a UBI. This would allow for greater individual sovereignty.


This paper proposes a decentralized identity, reputation and communication system that is not controlled by any government or organization. Such a system is needed by GETCoin to issue UBI.