Forum Newbie
Arimaa player #11871
Posts: 3
I'm building a new open source Arimaa bot! https://github.com/ajzaff/bot_zoo I started bot_zoo a two weeks ago as hobby project, and it's coming along nicely! My intent is to build as strong as possible a core engine, then optimize the evaluation bits (static eval, and move orders) using self play building on some previous work of mine (https://github.com/ajzaff/arimeval). I'm not sure if this qualifies me for the 2021 bot championship but it's likely I wouldn't be ready anyways Current engine features: * Movegen * Alpha beta negamax search * Iterative deepening * Transposition table * PV move order * Aspiration windows * Null move * Quiescence * Parallel search with variance-boosting lazy SMP (https://www.chessprogramming.org/Lazy_SMP). * Arimaa Engine Interface How does it play? Beginner level play capable of seeing up to 3 move ply. The good news is, I think I'm already at the point where I can't improve it much without hand tuning but we'll see. If you are interested in seeing the bot development on Github, please let me know so I can make the switch to 100% on Github development.