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Topic: New game: Implo (Read 2812 times) |

New game: Implo srcid=0B3gpl2WT8ufWNjQ0YWUxNjMtNDZlZS00M2U1LTk3OTQtMWQzZDJmNDUzNGRl&hl=en Rules also available in Spanish: srcid=0B3gpl2WT8ufWNWU0OWMzNGMtNzgwMy00YmNhLWFkYTMtYmVlZjcwNjg1MWJj&hl=en Some time ago, I asked myself: "What if Go was played such that capturing groups were captured?" I felt that question hid an interesting game yet to be discovered. Implo is the result of that idea. It's a simple, finite, drawless game without the need for ko or superko rules. It also has a high stone-recycling ratio, i.e. it provides for long games on a small board, unlike Go. It's fun to discover how strangely different it feels from the ancient chinese game while still ringing a familiar note. It features a new capturing mechanism for naturally finite stone placement games. In a general way, it consists of some stones being captured while, at the same time, some others become explicitly invulnerable. Give it a try if you have the chance. I think you'll like it.
« Last Edit: Mar 22nd, 2011, 12:31pm by gatsby » |
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Forum Guru
 Arimaa player #2
Posts: 1003
Re: New game: Implo
« Reply #1 on: Mar 23rd, 2011, 10:30pm » |
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Thanks for sharing this with us. Sounds like a neat game. I suppose it could be played with a checkers set (with some extra pieces). How much have you play tested it? Also how did you select the name? You might want to see if it can be implemented on
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on Mar 23rd, 2011, 10:30pm, omar wrote:Thanks for sharing this with us. Sounds like a neat game. I suppose it could be played with a checkers set (with some extra pieces). |
| Yes, though I recommend using odd-sized boards to avoid draws. A 9x9 Go board seems more suitable. on Mar 23rd, 2011, 10:30pm, omar wrote:How much have you play tested it? Also how did you select the name? You might want to see if it can be implemented on |
| I have played a number of games against myself. I hope I will convince some friend to play with me in order to discover more strategies and styles of play. That said, playing against myself isn't showing any obvious fault in the game. As it often happens with simple-looking abstract games, there seems to be much to discover here, and gameplay can look strange at first, specially if you are trying to borrow thinking patterns from Go. There are two kinds of abstract games: those where the strategy is pretty obvious and the game relies on tactical complexity to be challenging, and those whose tactics are easily readable but whose strategy defies common thinking habits (and even common sense). I think Implo is one of the latter, for better or for worse. As for the name, it's short for "implosion". When you capture an enemy group, it's flipped, and your own surrounding stones are removed, which make the process look like an inwards collapse. Of course, it would be great to see it Implo-mented at I'm writing to the site owner to suggest it.
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Forum Guru
 Arimaa player #6461

Posts: 87
Re: New game: Implo
« Reply #3 on: May 31st, 2011, 4:05pm » |
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I just noticed something. Suppose you are Black. You place your stone in the center, and concern yourself only with making life(The Traditional way). The rules state that the goal of the game is to have the most kings. So you play solidly and eventually get a capture, likely trading all of your stones for a king. from then on, you play tightly, only promoting until you are unable to. Since passing is only legal when one has no legal move, the board will be rife with connected(because you can no longer promote) opponent stones. you sacrifice a stone, giving them a king, continue promoting(your connected cage just dissappeared) and blocking the opponent's promotion plans. Seems like an easy way to get a sure win unless komi is huge. Edit: on further thought. Black should spread in checkerboard life before getting a king, so that afterward Black can rapidly promote after kinging. Supposing Black plays like this, what komi do you infer for each board size?
« Last Edit: May 31st, 2011, 4:14pm by Nazgand » |
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I understand your point is that Black (the first player) should be able to make life first, and from then on he can play solidly to keep the lead. I am not sure, though, whether first player advantage is big enough for this to be a routine. Even when one player manages to be the first to make life, i think it's not clear that he should win. Nevertheless, I encourage you to test your ideas for Black play and report your conclusions. It'd be great to gain some insights into the game.
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Forum Guru
 Arimaa player #6461

Posts: 87
Re: New game: Implo
« Reply #5 on: Jun 8th, 2011, 9:14am » |
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So far I have proved komi is 9 on a 3x3 board. 4x4 will take longer to determine.
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