Forum Guru
Arimaa player #958
Posts: 768
Re: (no) absolute score values for pieces?
« Reply #120 on: Nov 18th, 2023, 9:13am » |
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As a very belated historical note, the chosen values for the constants of HarLog, Q and G, are effectively fully determined by: - (as mentioned) being indifferent to an initial trade of a dog for 2 rabbits and
- having the advantage of an initial trade of a horse and cat for a camel be exactly flipped after all the dogs come off the board.
This works out to finding the positive value Q that satisfies: G = (Q^2 + 13*Q + 38)/((Q^3 + 15*Q^2 + 74*Q + 120)*ln(10/7)) = -2*(Q^3 + 5*Q^2 - 2*Q - 22)/((Q^4 + 11*Q^3 + 41*Q^2 + 61*Q + 30)*ln(65/56))