Short Notation for Recording Arimaa Games

The short notation is provided as a convenience for humans to easily read and write Arimaa moves. This form of notation is more difficult for computers to process since it is very context sensitive. The long Arimaa notation is suggested for exchange between computers while the short notation is suggested for Arimaa literature or display intended for humans.

Game Example

Here is an example of short notation for game 1627 viewed from the silver side:

1 dcdemchh, 8hdcmecdh
2 evmvh8vh7v, e^^^r^
3 dvdvdvr5v, r^^m^>
4 evveMv, r5<^eM>
5 eMveC^*, r8^^Re<
6 eD^<*, r4>e^r^
The s on the first line sets the view to silver. Note that for gold the side to move is not speified since it can be determined from context. Also for silvers moves both the move number and side to move is not specified and can be determined from context.

Short Notation for Recording Arimaa Positions

Here is an example of recording the position before move 45s from game 16655.

g 0s 6h6e17rc10d2h2r1rmd2r4rr, r2r3r2c4r1r22h7r1e

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