The 2006 Arimaa World Championship
Prediction Contest

1st Place: Jeff Bacher
2nd Place: Greg Magne
3rd Place: Toby Hudson

Prediction Scores

What: The spectators can try to predict the outcome of the games. Points are awarded for predicting correctly and deducted for wrong predictions. The spectators will win prizes based on the point score they have accumulated by the end of the tournament. More details about the scoring system are available here.

Prizes: The spectator with the highest score will receive a prize of $50 USD. A prize of $30 USD will be awarded to second place and $20 USD for third place. In case of ties the prize will be divided evenly.

When: The tournament will begin in late November and finish in early January.

Where: The games will be played over the Internet in the Arimaa gameroom.

Registration: Spectators should register before the deadline of November 13th so they can be notified of when to make the predictions. There is no fee to register, but only registered spectators will be able to make predictions.

Note: Players may also register to predict. However players will not be allowed to predict against themselves in their own games.

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