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   Author  Topic: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal  (Read 17862 times)
Forum Guru

Arimaa player #2537


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BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
« on: Feb 15th, 2011, 3:31pm »
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On BoardGameGeek Rad80 proposed introducing non-buyable Arimaa award badges for world championship participants and world champions. The topic is here: http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/600304/tournament-signup.
I think it's a good idea!
Since the golden elephant is reserved for the buyable "Arimaa fan" badge I used silver pieces for the design of a set of "Arimaa awards" badges.
Here is my proposal:
  • - Arimaa World Championship participant (awarded to every BGG member who participated in AWC at least once)
  • - Arimaa Bot Championship developer (awarded to developers of bots that participate in ACC)
  • - Arimaa Challenge defender (awarded to human players who participate in the Challenge playing against the world champion bot)
  • - Arimaa Challenge bot developer (awarded to developers of the world champion bots)
  • - Arimaa World Champion (at least once, not necessarily the current one)
  • - Arimaa Challenge Winner (will it ever be awarded?...)

Again you can find the proposal on BGG here: http://boardgamegeek.com/thread/600304/tournament-signup.
How about it?  
If you like these badges I will submit the them for BGG admins acceptance.
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BGG Arimaa badges - get your own one!
Forum Guru

Arimaa player #2


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Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
« Reply #1 on: Feb 15th, 2011, 5:26pm »
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Good idea. Go ahead and submit it to the BGG admin.
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Forum Guru

Arimaa player #2537


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Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
« Reply #2 on: Feb 15th, 2011, 5:32pm »
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Well, if Omar himself says so, I'll proceed with the BGG approval procedure.  Grin
I will have to check how to do that, I've submitted ~60 badges before but never an award one.  
I'll keep informing about the progress here. Meanwhile - any feedback is welcome.
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BGG Arimaa badges - get your own one!
Forum Guru

Arimaa player #2537


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Posts: 319
Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
« Reply #3 on: Feb 17th, 2011, 6:01am »
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Submitted for BGG processing.  Smiley
While waiting I propose the following rules clarifications:
- BGG has a strong policy against ownerless badges. Thus I propose for it the name: "Arimaa Challenge Grand Prize" as well as assigning it to Omar as he is holding the prize as long as the challenge stands still. It may be switched later - if the need arises.
- As the challenge bot is not necessarily the world champion bot, in the case the champion and the challenger are different both developers should be awarded. This did not happen till now but...
- I am not sure here: should it be awarded for:
  • Just playing in the challenge?
  • Winning at least once in the challenge? [the case of naveed 2007]
  • Achieving more than a half of wins in any year? [the case of Arimabuff 2010]  

- I think that players who participated in the preliminary phase of the championship (Open Classic) should also be awarded, but only if they played to the natural end no resigning during the game or withdrawals from the tournament, (a single walkower may happen).
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Caffa et bucella per attactionem corporum venit ad stomachum meum.
BGG Arimaa badges - get your own one!
Forum Guru

Arimaa player #751


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Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
« Reply #4 on: Feb 17th, 2011, 6:55am »
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I don't think you should exclude people from the rabbit badge for resigning.  ArifSyed resigned to The_Jeh in round 6 this year when the next move was goal for silver.  I suggest it be awarded to any participant that plays the whole tournament regardless of the way they win or lose.
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Forum Guru

Arimaa player #2537


Gender: male
Posts: 319
Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
« Reply #5 on: Feb 17th, 2011, 7:49am »
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Well, that's why I post my proposals early for discussion - just not to change the rules when the badges are finally established. And I want to keep the rules simple - with no exceptions if possible.
This issue needs to be considered.
To start with: for resigning I used the championship guideline:
resigning is discouraged and completing a game to the end is highly encouraged

Of course we can allow resigning. But if so, it should be done consequently. A rule "resigning in obviously lost games is allowed" is not good - because it's hard to define what is an obviously lost game. Goal in 1? Forced goal in 5? Huge material loss with no forced goal?... Too unclear. Moreover it needs inspecting every game ended with an "r". Undecided
The options as I see them now are:
  • Allow resigning and withdrawing (may be abused).
  • Allow resigning but not withdrawing (may be abused as well).
  • Allow one resigning/walkover in OC (with no such restrictions in finals as finalists proved they are worthy players by qualifying).
  • Don't allow any resigning or withdrawal (really strict but anyone would have next chance next year).
  • Maybe other?
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Caffa et bucella per attactionem corporum venit ad stomachum meum.
BGG Arimaa badges - get your own one!
Forum Guru

Arimaa player #2


Gender: male
Posts: 1003
Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
« Reply #6 on: Feb 17th, 2011, 10:11am »
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Resigning is discouraged, but generally not penalized. Not being awarded the badge for resigning would lean towards penalizing. Not completing the tournament and dropping out is very bad (although I understand that sometimes it's unavoidable). So I would suggest the second option.
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Forum Guru

Arimaa player #2537


Gender: male
Posts: 319
Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
« Reply #7 on: Feb 17th, 2011, 1:24pm »
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OK, so for the rabbit: awarded to participants of Open Classic, unless 1) they dropped more than one game or 2) they were resigning repetitively. (To prevent abusing the rule). We want a few badge-hunting BGG members in the OC, but we want them to play there, not to mess around... Perhaps I'll play next year too to get the rabbit?
Omar, and what's your opinion regarding Challenge defenders? We have three options here. I opt for the last one (to make this badge more valuable), but I was always very strict.
Currently we'd have the following number of badges to give (of course if appropriate people have accounts on BGG):
  • Elephant - 1 (I'd prefer 0, but BGG would delete an unowned badge)
  • Camel - 4
  • Horse - 3 (Bomb dominated early years)
  • Dog - 8, 9 or 10 depending on the rule version
  • Cat & Rabbit - not counted yet.
  • IP Logged

    Caffa et bucella per attactionem corporum venit ad stomachum meum.
    BGG Arimaa badges - get your own one!
    Forum Guru

    Arimaa player #2


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    Posts: 1003
    Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
    « Reply #8 on: Feb 20th, 2011, 6:23pm »
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    on Feb 17th, 2011, 1:24pm, UruramTururam wrote:

    Omar, and what's your opinion regarding Challenge defenders? We have three options here. I opt for the last one (to make this badge more valuable), but I was always very strict.

    Yes, I prefer that also. The defender should win their series against the challenge bot. Games which the backup defender had to play are considered losses. Thus, you have to win two of the three games. If the backup defender played one of the games and won, the victory does not help the defenders record. Backup defender is also eligible for the badge if the backup defender had to play two or three game and won at least two.
    You don't have to assign the badges to me. I would prefer you administering the awards.
    « Last Edit: Feb 20th, 2011, 6:26pm by omar » IP Logged
    Forum Guru

    Arimaa player #2537


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    Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
    « Reply #9 on: Feb 21st, 2011, 2:27am »
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    So for obtaining a horse badge a given player should win more than a half of the number of games the human players are expected to play in a given year (at least once). This should cover all the past and current challenge rules and - I hope - it should survive any future changes in them. If I count correctly, we have 9 players who fulfilled this condition.
    As for the progress on BGG: the microbadge admin was on a convention, and he returned yesterday. He may be a little overloaded now, I'm waiting for his answer regarding our issue.
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    Caffa et bucella per attactionem corporum venit ad stomachum meum.
    BGG Arimaa badges - get your own one!
    Forum Guru

    Arimaa player #2


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    Posts: 1003
    Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
    « Reply #10 on: Feb 21st, 2011, 1:48pm »
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    on Feb 21st, 2011, 2:27am, UruramTururam wrote:

    So for obtaining a horse badge a given player should win more than a half of the number of games the human players are expected to play in a given year (at least once). This should cover all the past and current challenge rules and - I hope - it should survive any future changes in them. If I count correctly, we have 9 players who fulfilled this condition.

    Yes, the defenders eligible for the silver horse award are:  
    omar, Belbo, Fritzlein,  Adanac, PMertens, Brendan, chessandgo, arimaa_master, and Tuks
    Keep us posted on how the review process goes.
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    Forum Guru

    Arimaa player #2537


    Gender: male
    Posts: 319
    Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
    « Reply #11 on: Feb 22nd, 2011, 8:38am »
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    It seems that the queue to the BGG microbadge admin is really long. I have no answer even for my submission that I made 10 days before the Arimaa ones. Thus we have to wait.
    Meanwhile I fiddled a little bit with the badges. I's quite funny to work with 16x16 images... I hope the new versions are better than old ones, compare them both on a light and dark bacgkrounds:

    Now as for the rules...
     It seems we have them. Let's review them then. (Please review the language nuances too, as I'm obviously not a native English speaker.)
    • Elephant - "Arimaa Grand Prize". Currently held by the founder of Arimaa Challenge. It will be awarded to the developer of the very computer program that wins the challenge when such a fact occurs.
    • Camel - "Arimaa World Champion". Awarded to human players who won Arimaa World Championship at least once.
    • Horse - "Arimaa Challenge program developer". Awarded to developers of Arimaa playing programs that won either  Arimaa Computer Championship or the Arimaa Challenge Qualification.
    • Dog - "Arimaa Challenge defender". Awarded to human players who played at least once in the Arimaa Challenge winning more than a half of the number of games the human players are expected to play that year.
    • Cat - "Arimaa Computer Championship developer". Awarded to developers of bots that played in Arima Computer Championship tournaments (including qualification tournaments). Note: the Arimaa microbadge manager may decide not to award this badge to a developer of a bot that malfunctioned repetitively (submitting bad moves, hanging, etc.).
    • Rabbit - "Arimaa World Championship player". Awarded to players who participated in World Championship tournaments including qualification ones.  Note: the Arimaa microbadge manager may decide not to award this badge to a player who dropped from the tournament or resigned repetitively.
    « Last Edit: Feb 22nd, 2011, 8:39am by UruramTururam » IP Logged

    Caffa et bucella per attactionem corporum venit ad stomachum meum.
    BGG Arimaa badges - get your own one!
    Forum Guru

    Arimaa player #2


    Gender: male
    Posts: 1003
    Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
    « Reply #12 on: Feb 23rd, 2011, 10:45pm »
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    Yes, the rules look good.  
    For the badge images; I like the ones on the right.
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    Forum Guru

    Arimaa player #2537


    Gender: male
    Posts: 319
    Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
    « Reply #13 on: Feb 24th, 2011, 8:14am »
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    Good news!
    The look and the general concept of the badges are both approved; that means it's about 90% chance that the microbadges will be available.  
    What am I to do now is to provide the appropriate BGG admin lists of eligible people, with as many names on them as possible. I've prepared preliminary lists, and I'll put them down in the next post. As you'll noticed there's not many identified BGG users eligible; matching Arimaa community users and BGG users is not easy in some cases...
    The general idea is to award as many badges as possible at the very start and then update the badges once a year, when the challenge is over, and a bunch of new people fulfilled their criteria during the WC/CC/AC period.
    What makes me especially sad - I have no BGG ID for the horse badge.  
    So now there's a time for you, players and developers to uncover your BGG nicknames if you have them. If not - maybe it's a good idea to register on boardgamegeek.com - if we are numerous enough we could promote Arimaa better!
    To Omar: I was thinking about sending e-mails to eligible people. Not all of them read this forum frequently, and you have the e-mail database of all registered people. Maybe even some of them, absent for several months, will be lured back?..
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    Caffa et bucella per attactionem corporum venit ad stomachum meum.
    BGG Arimaa badges - get your own one!
    Forum Guru

    Arimaa player #2537


    Gender: male
    Posts: 319
    Re: BGG "Arimaa awards" badges proposal
    « Reply #14 on: Feb 24th, 2011, 8:14am »
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    Lists of people eligible for Arimaa award microbadges on BGG.
    If someone is omitted or misplaced please inform me.

    * Elephant:
    "Arimaa Grand Prize". Currently held by the founder of Arimaa Challenge. It will be awarded to the developer of the very computer program that wins the challenge when such a fact occurs.
    Omar Syed - (omar) - BGG osyed
    Eligible: 1  
    Awarded: 1

    * Camel:
    "Arimaa World Champion". Awarded to human players who won Arimaa World Championship at least once.
    Frank Heinemann - (Belbo) -  
    Karl Juhnke - (Fritzlein) - BGG Fritzlein
    Till Wiechers - (robinson) -  
    Jean Daligault - (chessandgo) - BGG Jeaan
    Tarou Asou - (hanzack) -
    Eligible: 5  
    Awarded: 2

    * Horse:
    "Arimaa Challenge program developer". Awarded to developers of Arimaa playing programs that won either  Arimaa Computer Championship or the Arimaa Challenge Qualification.
    Bomb - David Fotland - (fotland) -
    Clueless - Jeff Bacher - (jdb) -
    Marwin - Mattias Hultgren - (tize) -  
    Sharp - David Wu - (lightvector) - BGG lightvector
    Briareus, Ziltoid - Ricardo Barreira - (rbarreira) -  BGG rbarreira
    Eligible: 5  
    Waiting: 1
    Awarded: 1

    * Dog:
    "Arimaa Challenge defender". Awarded to human players who played at least once in the Arimaa Challenge winning more than a half of the number of games the human players are expected to play that year.
    Omar Syed - (omar) - BGG osyed
    Frank Heinemann - (Belbo) -  
    Karl Juhnke - (Fritzlein) - BGG Fritzlein
    Greg Magne - (Adanac) -  BGG grmagne
    Paul Mertens - (PMertens) -
    Brendan M - (Brendan) -
    Jean Daligault - (chessandgo) - BGG Jeaan
    Jan Macura - (arimaa_master) -
    Daniel Scott - (Tuks) - BGG Tuks
    Toby Hudson - (99of9) - BGG 99of9  
    Gregory Clark - (rabbits) -  
    Tarou Asou - (hanzack) -
    Mathew Brown - (brownie3141) -
    Matthew Craven - (clyring) -
    Eligible: 14  
    Awarded: 6

    * Cat:
    "Arimaa Computer Championship developer". Awarded to developers of bots that played in Arima Computer Championship tournaments (including qualification tournaments). Note: the Arimaa microbadge manager may decide not to award this badge to a developer of a bot that malfunctioned repetitively (submitting bad moves, hanging, etc.).
    Bomb - David Fotland - (fotland) -  
    Occam - Don Dailey - (gern) -
    GnoBot - Toby Hudson (99of9) - BGG 99of9  
    Clueless - Jeff Bacher - (jdb) -  
    Loc, Rat - Gerhard Trippen - (BlackKnight) -  
    Aamira, Badger - Paul Pogonyshev - (doublep) -  
    Faerie, Zombie - Evan Dorn - (IdahoEv) - BGG IdahoEv
    Sharp - David Wu - (lightvector) - BGG lightvector
    OpFor - Brian Haskin - (Janzert) - BGG Janzert
    Marwin - Mattias Hultgren - (tize) -
    PragmaticTheory - Martin Piotte & Martin Chabbert - (mpiotte) & (chavVez) -  
    Briareus, Ziltoid - Ricardo Barreira - (rbarreira) - BGG rbarreira
    Lucy - N B - (Beowulf) -  
    Eligible: 14  
    Waiting: 1
    Awarded: 4

    * Rabbit:
    "Arimaa World Championship player". Awarded to players who participated in World Championship tournaments including qualification ones.  Note: the Arimaa microbadge manager may decide not to award this badge to a player who dropped from the tournament or resigned repetitively.
    Alfredo Alfredo - (Alfred) - 2103 -  
    Junaid Ali - (junaid) - 2005 -  
    Osman Ali - (oali) - 2011 -  
    Tarou Asou - (hanzack) - 2011 -  
    Ramazan Aydin - (RmznA) - 2013 -  
    Jeff Bacher - (jdb) - 2006 -  
    Lev Borovoi - (LevB) - 2009 -  
    Christopher Bovee - (ChrisB) - 2008 -  
    Mathew Brown - (brownie3141) - 2013 -
    Valdas Bucinskas - (Boo) - 1013 -  
    Ryan Alexander Cable - (Ryan_Cable) - 2006 -  
    Claude Chaunier  - (clauchau) - 2004 -
    Tholkappian Chidambaram - (camelback) - 2008 - BGG camelback
    Gregory Clark - (rabbits) - 2011 -  
    Matthew Craven - (clyring) - 2013 -  
    Jean Daligault - (chessandgo) - 2007 - BGG Jeaan
    Maurizio De Leo - (megamau) - 2006 -  BGG megamau
    Herve Dhondt - ( woh) - 2007 - BGG  woh
    Evan Dorn - (IdahoEv) - 2007 - BGG IdahoEv
    Kenneth Dreyer - (kenny_dee) - 2013 - BGG kenny_dee
    Dave Dyer - (ddyer) - 2011 - BGG ddyer
    Aurelian Florea - (Aurelian) - 2013 -  
    David Fotland - (fotland) - 2004 -
    Thomas Foy - (ocmiente) - 2011 - BGG ocmiente
    Leung Yu Fung - (alien1020hk) - 2013 -  
    Brian Galebach - (MrBrain) - 2004 -  
    Ulrich Galster - (Alfons) - 2013 -
    Daniel Goodhew - (novacat) - 2013 -  
    Jacob Gray - (crazyharry) - 2013 -  
    Isaac Grosof - (722caasi) - 2011 -  
    Rui Guimaraes - (whiteKnight) - 2004 -  
    Frank Heinemann - (Belbo) - 2004 -
    John Herr - (The_Jeh) - 2009 - BGG The_Jeh
    John Hoody - (fritzlforpresident) - 2007 -
    Nick Harlson - (seanick) - 2007 -  
    Ken Herold - (Herima) - 2013 -  
    John Hoody - (fritzlforpresident) - 2013 -  
    Toby Hudson - (99of9) - 2004 - BGG 99of9
    Josh Hull - (hull) - 2013 -  
    Karl Juhnke - (Fritzlein) - 2005 - BGG Fritzlein
    Antti Laine - (Nevermind) - 2010 -  
    Simon Lambert - (Simon) - 2010 -  
    Benjamin Leitner - (bleitner) - 2004 -
    Chris Lusena - (grey_0x2A) - 2006 -
    Brendan M - (brendan) - 2007 -  
    James Mabry - (beancrisp) - 2011 - BGG beancrisp
    Jan Macura - (arimaa_master) - 2007 -  
    Greg Magne - (Adanac) - 2006 - BGG grmagne
    Vladan Majerech - (Hippo) - 2010 -  
    Max Manual - (Max) - 2013 -  
    Charles Daniel Martin - (Belteshazzar) - 2011 -  
    John Mcarthur - (Fisma) - 2008 -  
    Paul Mertens - (PMertens) - 2007 -  
    Ye Minlei - (ytri) - 2005 -  
    Mark Mistretta - (mistre) - 2008 - BGG markmist
    Eric Momsen - (Nombril) - 2010 - BGG Wily Jeneric
    Michele Nesci - (Rad) - 2011 -  BGG rad80
    Trevor Page - (Sconibulus) - 2011 -
    Pedro Paredes - (gangsterveggies) - 2013 -  
    David Paris - (acheron) - 2006 -  
    Lefert Paul - (Paul) - 2006 -  
    Ford Prefect - (froody) - 2008 - BGG froody
    Heikki Rantalaiho - (Heyckie) - 2011 - BGG Heyckie
    Dominick Riesland - (Rabbitball) - 2004 - BGG Rabbitball
    Christian S - (odin73) - 2013 -  
    Jack Sayers - (Jacka) - 2013 - BGG Jacka315
    Vincent Severin - (VinceS) - 2013 -  BGG VinceS
    Samuel Schueler - (supersamu) - 2013 -
    Daniel Scott - (Tuks) - 2009 - BGG Tuks
    Peter Shively - (KingElephant) - 2103 -  
    Naveed Siddiqui - (naveed) - 2004 - BGG naveed
    Neil Stephens - (knarl) - 2011 - BGG Knarl
    Aamir Syed - (Aamir) - 2008 -  
    Amina Syed - (Amina) - 2008 -  
    Arifuddin Syed - (ArifSyed) - 2008 -
    Danyal Syed - (soldier) - 2008 -  
    Ghousuddin Syed - (gsyed) - 2004 -  
    Omar Syed - (omar) - 2004 - BGG osyed
    Saba Syed - (subs2000) - 2008 -  
    Sana F Syed - (Sana) - 2009 -  
    Mikhail Tkach - (Chegorimaa) - 2007 -  
    Chase Todd - (ginrunner) - 2011 -  
    Gerhard Trippen - (BlackKnight) - 2005 -  
    Peter U - (Thiagor) - 2013 -
    Till Wiechers - (robinson) - 2006 -
    Tore Wiechers - (Tore) - 2007 -  
    Daniel Worm - (Harren) - 2011 - BGG Harren
    ? ? - (b599) - 2011 -  
    Eligible: 88  
    Waiting: 3
    Awarded: 23
    « Last Edit: Apr 28th, 2013, 4:32am by UruramTururam » IP Logged

    Caffa et bucella per attactionem corporum venit ad stomachum meum.
    BGG Arimaa badges - get your own one!
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